Počítadlo přístupů
Dnes: | 252 |
Tento měsíc: | 8 981 |
Celkem: | 3 446 431 |
The Czech Republic has been a member of the European Forum of Psychomotricity since 1996.
The Commmision of Psychomotricity in the Czech Association Sport for All supports psychomotor activities in all age groups involved in Association, cooperates with other commisions, with universities in Prague, Brno, Plzen, Usti n.Labem and others.
The Czech Association of Sport for All, the Commission of Psychomotricity offers an initial education of psychomotricity which is recognized by the Ministery of Education, Youth and Sport. This education has three grades (III., II., I.). The programm of each grade consists of 50 hours. Participants receive certificates. You can find all the information about this educational programme on the websites.
The Commission of Psychomotricity offers Seminars of Psychomotrisity once or twice a year. Information on the website.
Česká asociace Sport pro všechny, z.s.
Ohradské náměstí 1628/7
155 00 Praha 5
IČ: 00551368
DIČ: CZ00551368
Tel: 242 480 301
E-mail: sekretariat@caspv.cz
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2009 - 2024 Martin Modl